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HORTUS  13 (Spring 1990)  out of print

Out of print Stephen Lacey s Snippets Audrey Le Livre tulips in literature and in history Beth Chatto finding plants in the wild Nancy Mary Goodall Painshill Park Jane Brown Rodmarton Manor Sylvia Crowe on caring for the English landscape Dawn MacLeod revisits Ian Hamilton Finlay s garden at Stonypath, in Lanarkshire Jim Gould Florists Copper Kettles Shirley Heriz Smith plants in India Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Barbara Pym Peter Parker Pondersƒ(young London writer begins new series that scrutinises gardening attitudes and styles of today). Book reviews by Janet Boulton, Hermia Oliver, Liz Robinson, Dawn MacLeod and Jane Brown. Index to issues 9 12.

HORTUS  14 (Summer 1990)

HORTUS 14 (Summer 1990)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Gillian Mawrey the garden at Glyndebourne opera house in Sussex Elizabeth Forbes gardens in opera Patrice Todisco Celia Thaxter and Sarah Orne Jewitt and gardening in NewEngland Andrew Lawson a photographer looks at art in gardens Mary Keen gardening and its allusions to literature Prudence Smith remembered gardens Stephen Haw anemones Ruth Clausen and Nicolas Ekstrom American perennials Dawn MacLeod dye plants Jim Gould Parkinson and his herbal remedies William Wilkins on founding the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust Joan Percy Lady Luxborough and her ferme orn_e Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden Hermia Oliver Gardens in Fiction _ Colette Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Alastair Martin, William Stern, E.J.Willson, Gillian Mawrey and Nigel Holman.

HORTUS  15 (Autumn 1990)  out of print

Out of print Stephen Lacey s Snippets Dawn MacLeod the National Trusts in Britain Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part one) Celia Fisher Shakespeare s weeds Tom Garnett Alister Clark, Australian plant breeder James Rylands garden ornaments Jo Dunn pollard willows David Sayers Madeira s plants and gardens Eleanora Phillips on her island garden, off the south coast of Ireland John Kelly plant hardiness and boundaries Sally Phipps on her mother Molly Keane and gardening Diana Petre Gardens in Fiction Molly Keane's M.J.Farrell novels John Francis Gardens in Fiction Molly Keane's later novels Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Ponders Obituaries Jean Player on Sally, Duchess of Westminster, and David Wheeler on Will Ingwersen. Book reviews by Denise Otis, Penelope Mortimer and Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  16 (Winter 1990)  out of print

Out of print Stephen Lacey s Snippets Audrey Holland Hibbert on her gardening life Jim Gould pest treatments in history Janet Boulton ideal garden design Jane Taylor plant nomenclature Dawn MacLeod the garden at Cluny, in Perthshire Hedvika Fraser Benedict Roezl, plant hunter Trevor Nottle Christmas in an Australian garden John Francis pot plants as presents Eileen Stamers Smith Gardens in Fiction _ Dickens Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Robin Whalley, Liz Robinson, Dawn MacLeod and David Dalloway.

HORTUS  17 (Spring 1991)

HORTUS 17 (Spring 1991)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Stephen Lacey s Snippets Audrey Le Livre a major look at primulas in history, in the wild and in the garden William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in spring William Ellis Rees Narcissus in mythology Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part two) Gillian Mawrey the formal gardens of Villandry, and their makers Judith Tankard William Robinson and his book The English Flower Garden Sally Festing Gertrude JekyllÍs garden notebooks Shirley Heriz Smith Thomas Mason at The Gums (New Zealand) John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Hermia Oliver Gardens in Fiction _ Rosamund Lehmann Peter Parker Ponders Book reviews by Liz Robinson, Dawn MacLeod and Peter Watts. Index to issues 13 - 16.

HORTUS  18 (Summer 1991)

HORTUS 18 (Summer 1991)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Nancy Mary Goodall Henry Cocker and his fellow Kew trained gardening friends in Italy Jill Parker peonies James Compton salvias David Wheeler an interview with wood engraver, Hilary Paynter William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in summer Ruth Duthie cottagerÍs fruit John Kelly seeds and how they grow John Akeroyd autumn flowering bulbs Richard Dadd researching the discoverer of Allium macleanii Dawn MacLeod the garden at Brodick Castle, Scotland Audrey Le Livre a mystery at Alleron (a Devonshire garden and its circular walled garden) John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Celia Fisher Gardens in Fiction _ Chaucer Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Liz Robinson, Peter Parker, Gillian Mawrey and David Wheeler.

HORTUS  19 (Autumn 1991)  out of print

Out of print A largely American issue Tom Fischer s Snippets Gillian Lindsay Clare Leighton, gardener and artist, in England and in America William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in autumn Robin Karson late nineteenth century American gardens John Kelly climate zones May Brawley Hill Anna Warner and her book Gardening by Myself Robert Dash colour and the garden Lynden Miller Louise Beebe Wilder and her garden at Balderbrae as it is now Ruth Clausen and Nicolas Ekstrom The New York Botanical Garden s centenary Mitchell Owens Louis Comfort Tiffany and the gardens at Laurelton Hall Ngaere Macray a self portrait by the founder of Sagapress George Waters letter from California Denise Otis The Great American Lawn John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Marie Ingram Edith Wharton (part one of three) Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Liz Robinson, Jane Brown and Mirabel Osler.

HORTUS  20 (Winter 1991)

HORTUS 20 (Winter 1991)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Judith Tankard Gertrude Jekyll before Munstead Wood Dawn MacLeod Arbigland, a garden in Scotland William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in winter Jane Taylor the naming of plants for people Elizabeth Seager the life and books of Karel Capek Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part three) Marie Ingram Edith Wharton (part two of three) Audrey Le Livre the garden of the Church of St Anne, Kew Andrew Cowin Schwetzingen Castle garden Daphne Everett Erica arborea and briar pipes Helen Dyer a London garden Joyce Crossley box plants Gillian Mawrey spoof gardening diary, ïThe Provincial Lady in FranceÍ John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Rosemary Verey obituary of Mary Biddulph of Rodmarton Manor. Book reviews by Robin Whalley and Mirabel Osler.

HORTUS  21 (Spring 1992)

HORTUS 21 (Spring 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Ronald Whitehouse why ivy becomes arboraceous Dawn MacLeod Crarae garden in Scotland William Ellis Rees mythology in the garden John Duke tulip fields in South Lincolnshire Tony Schilling his own plant hunting adventures on Annapurna Graham Rose Dr Degrais, a gardener in France Jean Holden an urban fishpond Audrey Le Livre a letter from Zimbabwe Shirley Heriz Smith a nineteenth century botanical excursion to Mount Fuji John Kelly gardening myths and commandments Jim Gould garden thefts Marie Ingram Edith Wharton (part three of three) Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Liz Robinson and Dawn MacLeod. Index to issues 17 - 20.

HORTUS  22 (Summer 1992)

HORTUS 22 (Summer 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Audrey Le Livre poppies in history, in the wild and in the garden Graham Stuart Thomas Tea Noisette roses Jim Gould old fashioned laced pinks Robert Dash profile of Wave Hill public garden, New York Miriam Macgregor, wood engraver Barbara Stebbins the garden of the American ambassador at Kathmandu Jo Dunn botanising in the English countryside James Driver sundials Brian Bixley Gardens in Fiction _ A.S. ByattÍs novel ÍPossessionÍ Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Roy Strong, Victoria Schilling, Liz Robinson, David Wheeler and Marie Ingram.

HORTUS  23 (Autumn 1992)

HORTUS 23 (Autumn 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Wayne Winterrowd s Snippets Roy Strong on making his own garden, The Laskett, in Herefordshire Derek Fraser Jenkins a plantsman in south Wales with a liking for the rare and uncommon John Kelly ïtasteÍ in the garden Mirabel Osler a control freak in the garden John Treasure Clematis texensis and its forms Derek Toms letter from Attica Dawn MacLeod Thomas Hanmer and his seventeenth century garden in Wales Celia Fisher some reflections on Chinese gardens Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Gardens in Fiction _ Angus Wilson obituary of Marguerite Carvallo by Gillian Mawrey. Book reviews by Dawn MacLeod, Jinty and Hugo Latymer, Gillian Mawrey, Robin Whalley, Deborah Kellaway, David Wheeler, Ronald Whitehouse, Bill Malecki and Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  24 (Winter 1992)

HORTUS 24 (Winter 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Graham Stuart Thomas A.T. Johnson's garden in North Wales Andrew MacHugh camellias Elizabeth Seager gardening in churchyards Jim Gould Royal Charlie, king of the florists Andrew Cowin the Palatinus in Germany, Eighth wonder of the world David Sayers gardens and plants in Costa Rica Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part four) Deborah Kellaway Tom GarnettÍs garden, St Erth, in Australia Philippa Rakusen an introduction to a series of four articles on Harlow Carr and Ling Beeches (two Yorkshire gardens on an acid soil) Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Charles Quest Ritson Gardens in Fiction _ Alfred AustinÍs novels. Book reviews by David Wheeler.

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