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HORTUS  49 (Spring 1999)

HORTUS 49 (Spring 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Katherine Swift hyacinths and a personal memoir Tim Longville gardening with half hardy plants in spring Robin Whalley an exploration of the garden pavilions at Montacute House, Somerset Martin Wood ïGlorious DitchleyÍ (part three of Nancy Lancaster and her gardens) Barbara Paul Robinson gardens open to the public in the USA Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part one of a story about a New Zealand garden John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ On My Bedside Table, by Rory Stuart. Book reviews by Ursula Buchan, Judith Tankard, Tim Longville and Trevor Nottle. Index to issues 45-48.

HORTUS  50 (Summer 1999)

HORTUS 50 (Summer 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Tim Longville gardening with half hardy plants in summer Martin Wood ïHalcyon DaysÍ (final part of Nancy Lancaster and her gardens) Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part two of a story about a New Zealand garden Betty Kershaw the ïsecretÍ gardening life of Capt.W.E.Johns, the creator of ïBigglesÍ On My Bedside Table, by Thomas Fischer John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Katherine Swift and Fenja Gunn.

HORTUS  51 (Autumn 1999)

HORTUS 51 (Autumn 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Fenja Gunn part one of Percy Cane and his gardens Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part three of a story about a New Zealand garden Tim Longville gardening with half hardy plants in autumn John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by William Grant, Tim Longville, Liz Robinson, Judith Tankard and Martin Wood.

HORTUS  52 (Winter 1999)

HORTUS 52 (Winter 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Antony King Deacon my life with Harold Nicolson at Sissinghurst after the death of Vita Sackville West Fenja Gunn final part of Percy Cane and his gardens Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part four of a story about a New Zealand garden David Sayers the Ledebour Terraces at Prague Castle John Francis What does your front garden say about you? Peter Parker Pondersƒ John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden. Book reviews by John Akeroyd, Helena Attlee, John Francis, Mary Keen, Tim Longville, Liz Robinson, Diana Ross and Judith Tankard

HORTUS  53 (Spring 2000)

HORTUS 53 (Spring 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Graham Stuart Thomas lilacs Pamela Schwerdt Arum creticum Sibylle Kreutzberger Acanthus Christine Skelmersdale Tulipa saxatilis/T. bakeri Rachel Lever Dierama pulcherrimum Diana Ross Mrs KeatingÍs Daughters (a tale of three determined lady gardeners) Betty Kershaw the life of plantsman Reginald Kaye Catherine Beale and Simon Dorrell Hampton Court, Herefordshire _ the gardens, old and new Jo Munro A Sense of Place (concluding pages of five part series on the making of a New Zealand garden) Tom Garnett native plants in Australia Derek Toms gardens as expressions of their gardeners personalities On My Bedside Table, by Elspeth Thompson Peter Parker Ponders... Book reviews by Katherine Swift and William Grant. Index to issues 49 52.

HORTUS  54 (Summer 2000)

HORTUS 54 (Summer 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Cornus ïSatomiÍ, Arbutus ïMarinaÍ and Salix hookeriana Graham Stuart Thomas fragrant limes, or lindens James Harris late flowering magnolias Rachel Lever Teucrium ackermannii Pamela Schwerdt ïSecond time roundÍ plants Sibylle Kreutzberger lesser known nasturtiums Bob Brown why and how some plants are hardy Diana Ross interview with Tony Hall of Kew Gardens Marta McDowell Emily DickinsonÍs garden and garden poetry Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney (gardening on islands north of mainland Scotland), Part One John Hall Italian gardens and the travel business Bryan Forbes Night Thoughts of a Frustrated Gardener Peter Parker Pondersƒ On My Bedside Table, by Deborah Kellaway. Book reviews by John Francis, Fenja Gunn, Liz Robinson and Rosemary Verey.

HORTUS  55 (Autumn 2000)

HORTUS 55 (Autumn 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Graham Stuart Thomas Late autumn berries Peter Chappell Acer palmatum dissectum ïSeiryuÍ, Liquidambar styraciflua ïWorplesdonÍ and Lindera obtusiloba Pamela Schwerdt beautiful leaves Sibylle Kreutzberger border thalictrums Christine Skelmersdale Crocus laevigatus ïFontenayiÍ Barbara Abbs The Chalk Gardens at Highdown Tim Longville Young Stoneface _ Ronnie DuncanÍs Yorkshire garden Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney, Part Two Robin Whalley Harold PetoÍs Spanish Diary 1888 Betty Kershaw A Nest of Robins in his Hair _ Russian gardens of V. Safonov Anne Powell The Gardens of War Peter Parker Ponders... Book reviews by Noel Kingsbury, Tim Longville and Diana Ross.

HORTUS  56 (Winter 2000)

HORTUS 56 (Winter 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ïJermynsÍ, Leptospermum grandifolium and Crataegus laciniata (orientalis) Pamela Schwerdt Polystichum setiferum Pulcherrimum Bevis Sibylle Kreutzberger When winter comes Diana Ross meets nurseryman Donald Waterer Caroline Menzel Our (Mediterranean) Island Garden May Brawley Hill an artistÍs garden in Tuscany Tim Longville In Pursuit of Miss Pim Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney, Part Three Celia Fisher The Restoration of Gilbert WhiteÍs Garden at Selborne Peter Parker Ponders Alex Ramsay s photographs of Italian gardens Patricia Cleveland Peck The Flower Prince (Prince Eugen of Sweden). Book reviews by John Akeroyd and Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  57 (Spring 2001)

HORTUS 57 (Spring 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Peter Chappell Cornus ïOrmondeÍ, Magnolia ïSpectrumÍ and Drimys winteri var. andina Pamela Schwerdt eremurus, veratrum, mertensia Sibylle Kreutzberger early flowering shrubs for walls Rachel Lever Anemone nemorosa Bob Brown Coronilla valentina Fergus Garrett (Christopher LloydÍs head gardener) myosotis Susie Pasley Tyler spring at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Betty Kershaw Barnhaven primulas and Florence Bellis Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney (final part) Tom Petherick spring in a walled vegetable garden Tim Richardson ïWhat Makes a Space a Place?Í Peter Parker Pondersƒ On My Bedside Table, by Jane Brown. Book reviews by Helena Attlee, Judith Tankard, Ylva Blid Mackenzie, Patricia Cleveland Peck and John Akeroyd. Index to issues 53 56.

HORTUS  58 (Summer 2001)

HORTUS 58 (Summer 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Cornus alba ïAureaÍ, Hoheria angustifolia Borde Hill , Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora Sarah Raven Zinnias Christine Skelmersdale Agapanthus Fergus Garrett Verbascum olympicum _ a Turkish endemic Paul Williams Lobelia Susie Pasley Tyler Part Two summer at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Eugenie van Weede garden and plants at Bingerden, Netherlands Mark Lutyens the Boots Millennium Garden George Carter Silverstone Garden, Norfolk Diana Ross Plas Brondanw Tom Petherick Part Two _ summer in a walled vegetable garden Tim Longville ïThe Many Coloured Case of Alfred SmeeÍ Tim Richardson ïWe See Gardens Not As They Are, But As We AreÍ Peter Parker Ponders... On My Bedside Table, by Charles Quest Ritson. Book reviews by Mirabel Osler, Diana Ross and Katherine Swift.

HORTUS  59 (Autumn 2001)

HORTUS 59 (Autumn 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Anthony Brooks Echinacea purpurea _ the purple coneflower Paul Williams Arum italicum ssp. italicum ïMarmoratumÍ Susie Pasley Tyler autumn at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Helen Leach ïOur Natives, Your Exotics _ Your Natives, Our WeedsÍ (a view from New Zealand) Anne Powell a bicentennial celebration of William Barnes Tom Petherick autumn in a walled vegetable garden Susan Elderkin ïThe Danger of Desert GardensÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïIn the Footsteps of Frank Kingdon WardÍ Tim Richardson ïThe Shape of the LandÍ Peter Parker Pondersƒ Anna Buxton ïA New Orchard and GardenÍ On My Bedside Table, by Judith Tankard David Wheeler a personal tribute to Rosemary Verey Rob Cassy obituary of Frances Lincoln. Book reviews by Tim Longville.

HORTUS  60 (Winter 2001)

HORTUS 60 (Winter 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Stachyurus ïMagpieÍ, Prunus maackii and Daphne bholua ïDarjeelingÍ Paul Williams Carex buchananii Susie Pasley Tyler winter at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Fenja Gunn ïTaking Over an Old GardenÍ Martin Wood ïKeeping ChristmasÍ Celia Fisher ïRetrospective A Look at Plants in Pre Raphaelite PaintingsÍ Betty Kershaw ïAndr_ GideÍs Garden BackgroundÍ Tom Petherick winter in a walled vegetable garden Tim Richardson ïThe Ghost in the GardenÍ Peter Parker Ponders... On My Bedside Table, by Erica Hunningher Charlotte Hare ïLandscape LondonÍ. Book reviews by Rob Cassy, Patricia Cleveland Peck and Frank Ronan.

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